The Importance of Science Fiction TV Series

Science Fiction television series have been around for years, captivating audiences with their fantastical stories and futuristic worlds that are way beyond our current understanding of technology and human capacity. From Star Trek and Doctor Who to The X-Files and The Twilight Zone, the genre has produced some of the most captivating and enduring series of all time. Yet, despite their popularity, science fiction television series are often dismissed as mere fantasies or escapism by some critics. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

In this article, we explore why science fiction TV series are essential for the future of television and why they matter more than ever before.

They Challenge Our Imagination and Push Boundaries

Science Fiction TV series have long been celebrated for their ability to take us on journeys to other worlds and galaxies, to push the boundaries of what we know and to challenge our imaginations. By exploring the impossible, science-fiction series can offer commentary on a variety of contemporary issues, including identity, politics, humanity, and the environment.

Take for example the recently concluded Battlestar Galactica, a series that dealt with issues such as terrorism, torture, and genocide in a way that was both engaging and thought-provoking. The show managed to use its futuristic setting to address issues that were relevant to the contemporary world, making it a groundbreaking and significant series in the history of science fiction TV.

Additionally, science-fiction series have the potential to inspire and encourage future innovative thinkers. By extrapolating current technological and social trends into the future, these series can offer insight into what’s to come and stimulate new ideas for future inventions or innovations.

They Help Us Process and Understand Complex Events

Science Fiction can help viewers process and understand complex events through metaphorical storytelling. For example, after 9/11, many science-fiction TV series began exploring themes of terrorism, invasion, and loss of freedom. In doing so, they helped viewers to process the trauma of that event by exploring, in a fantastic way, the emotions and experiences of their characters.

Similarly, science fiction TV series can help us cope with change and technological advancements by imagining potential futures that could arise out of the present. They permit us to «try on» different futures and prepare us for potential challenges or transitions. As technology continues to evolve at an exponentially accelerating rate, science-fiction TV series will become increasingly important in helping us to make sense of the world around us, to forecast potential futures, and to explore what could be achieved.

They Allow for Creative Freedom and Risk-Taking

One of the unique advantages of science fiction TV series is the creative freedom and willingness to take risks. Unlike a lot of mainstream television shows, these programs are allowed and even encouraged to experiment with new ideas, explore different themes, and take bold risks with their storytelling. Additionally, CGI and other visual effects make it possible to create intricate and impressive storylines with an original flair that’s often not possible in other television genres.

Furthermore, science-fiction TV series also offer the opportunity to showcase some groundbreaking ideas and shed light on topics which may be ignored by mainstream media. Consider the recent surge in shows that cover social issues such as race or gender. Shows like Black Mirror, Star Trek Discovery, and Westworld have used their sci-fi setting to highlight important social issues within society.

They Offer Opportunities for Diverse Voices and Representation

With a cast and crew often composed of the most unique and original minds, science-fiction TV series tend to have a higher percentage of diversity when compared to other genres. By casting actors from varying backgrounds, these shows can not only offer a more varied range of storytelling, but can represent a wider group of people and send an important message of inclusivity.

That being said, science Fiction TV series still have a long way to go in terms of diversity and representation, but the fact that the genre is more receptive to showing different perspectives and giving marginalized voices a platform can only be positive for the future of television.

They Inspire Advocacy and Community Building

Through their unique way of presenting movies and storylines, science-fiction television series has inspired advocacy for certain causes or beliefs. One of the most famous examples of this is Star Trek, which from its earliest days made a point of addressing complex social and political issues that impacted the world. The show tackled issues such as race, gender, and sexuality at a time when to do so was considered radical.

The show’s inclusive message helped create a fandom that is still one of the most engaged and passionate communities in sci-fi today. It is not uncommon for fans to form support groups, explore social causes, and even organize events to support their favorite series or characters. This type of community allows viewers to pursue their interests while feeling supported and connected to others with similar interests.


In conclusion, science-fiction television series are not just entertaining but essential. They allow us to explore and challenge societal norms, push technological boundaries and lift diverse voices. Science fiction TV series offer viewers an imaginative outlet and provide an important context for processing and understanding the complexities of an ever-changing world. With their ability to experiment and explore new ideas, science fiction television series truly are necessary for the evolution of television and, indeed, the world in general.